Have you ever just had one of those days or even weeks where everything that could go wrong does go wrong? I'm having one of those weeks where it just feels like money is being sucked from every which direction no matter what I do. An unexpected trip to the doctor, furnace/AC goes out, you need car repairs, your in the middle of a home project that requires time and money, you get a red light ticket in the mail from a camera, your child needs braces, your spouse is going on a business trip to Europe and needs extra cash for the extra week the work isn't paying for, and the list goes on..... Sometimes it just feels like everything hits you at once and everyone needs your full attention....I think I read if it doesn't kill you it makes you stronger. Well I feel like I am strong enough! What do you do to cope with all the unexpected stress in your life? Let me know by posting some of your Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day stories. I'm sure it will get better......
Real life, Real People, Real Issues. I'm a working Mom w/2 Boys, 1 Husband, 1 Dog, and now 1 Child w/T1D Type 1 Diabetes. I always have a lot to say. I'm a talker, and I've been told I'm very blunt. I really don't sugar coat anything (no pun intended). My good friends appreciate this because they know I will always give them my honest opinion, even when they don't want to hear it.