Part-time or full-time working parents That is the question. I would like to say that I have an answer for you but I don't. With flexible schedules, and job sharing there are more options these days. But each family has their own financial circumstances, or personal or religious reasons which may or may not allow both parents to work. In my case I have to work, because I would go insane and there are several other factors that play into this. 1. If I don't work I can't spend money frugally or on a whim. 2. I've noticed that if I have a day off from work, I tend to spend more money than if I were there, so it actually costs me more money to stay home. 3. I like to buy things when they are on sale and if I can't make the purchase it would drive me crazy, or I would end up buying it dipping into funds I shouldn't be touching. 4. I'm not much of a budgeter, my friend the accountant tried to show me her spreadsheet of how she categor...
Real life, Real People, Real Issues. I'm a working Mom w/2 Boys, 1 Husband, 1 Dog, and now 1 Child w/T1D Type 1 Diabetes. I always have a lot to say. I'm a talker, and I've been told I'm very blunt. I really don't sugar coat anything (no pun intended). My good friends appreciate this because they know I will always give them my honest opinion, even when they don't want to hear it.