10 Inexpensive Summer Fun Days in Spokane Today is a rainy day in Spokane which is bitter sweet, the grass and gardens need a break for the hot sun, but I want to enjoy the warm weather before it's all gone. This got me to thinking what can I do inside the home with my kids that in inexpensive. So here are 10 things you can do that are affordable with your kids. 1. Rent a redbox movie . I really want to see Heaven is for real . I've read the book now I want to see the movie with my kids. I think redbox is less than $1.25 per movie. I think we can handle this. 2. Read a book with your kids. Go to the library and check out books. Its free and they even have OneClick digital so you don't have to go to the library, you can check out eBooks from the convenience of your home. Also check out freegal its free music you get to download up to 5 songs per week! Awesome!! 3. When it's not raining, go to the park, here in Liberty Lake we are blessed with many great ...
Real life, Real People, Real Issues. I'm a working Mom w/2 Boys, 1 Husband, 1 Dog, and now 1 Child w/T1D Type 1 Diabetes. I always have a lot to say. I'm a talker, and I've been told I'm very blunt. I really don't sugar coat anything (no pun intended). My good friends appreciate this because they know I will always give them my honest opinion, even when they don't want to hear it.