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10 Affordable Things To Do With Kids

10 Inexpensive Summer Fun Days in Spokane

Today is a rainy day in Spokane which is bitter sweet, the grass  and gardens need a break for the hot sun, but I want to enjoy the warm weather before it's all gone. This got me to thinking what can I do inside the home with my kids that in inexpensive. So here are 10 things you can do that are affordable with your kids.

1. Rent a redbox movie. I really want to see Heaven is for real. I've read the book now I want to see the movie with my kids. I think redbox is less than $1.25 per movie. I think we can handle this.
2. Read a book with your kids. Go to the library and check out books. Its free and they even have OneClick digital so you don't have to go to the library, you can check out eBooks from the convenience of your home. Also check out freegal its free music you get to download up to 5 songs per week! Awesome!!
3. When it's not raining, go to the park, here in Liberty Lake we are blessed with many great parks all within walking distance. Enjoy your online book while the kids run and burn energy.

4. Go on a bike ride, it's fun and it gets the kids out of the house. The Centennial Trail in Spokane is super long and awesome for bikers and walkers.
5. If you have a membership go to the local gym. They usually have swimming, so use your membership and go swimming with the kids. Or soak in the hot tub while they enjoy playing in the water. They will love it and so will you.
6. Pack a lunch and go to the park. Kids love an adventure so have them help you prepare a lunch for the family. Pack your food, beverages and blanket and enjoy a pick nick in the park.

7. Do you have a basketball hoop? If so play a game of P.I.G with your kids. It's so much fun and they love to do things with their parents that they normally wouldn't do.
8. Check out your local movie theaters. They usually will have showings of older movies 1 or 2 times a week and the prices are really affordable, were talking $2 a kid. Here is Spokane the Garland Theater offers $1 movies. What a deal!!!

9. Go hit a bucket of golf balls. We are fortunate enough to have 3 golf courses that are all affordable MeadowWood, Trailhead, and Liberty Lake. Buy a bucket of balls for your and the kids to hit. Kids love hitting and swinging things so even if they are not that good, it doesn't matter to them.

10. Go to the local beach. There are many beaches that offer free access. It gives the kids something to do and you time to read a great magazine, play on Pinterest, or just enjoy time with the kids.
I hope you have enjoyed reading and do something fun and inexpensive with your kiddos this week. Here is some humor to lighten your day enjoy!
Thanks for reading my first Blog. I hope you enjoyed and keep coming back for more....

Yours Truly,



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